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ماونتن ستون هو نوع أحدث من هاردسكيب أحواض السمك. خفيفة في التلوين ، هذه الصخور المائية يمكن مقارنتها بحجر التنين بالألوان وخفيفة الوزن جدًا تشبه Lava Rock. يعتبر شكل Mountain Stone المميز مثاليًا لإنشاء أشكال مائية محددة مثل المنحدرات والمناظر الجبلية ، ويتميز هذا الحجر بنسيج فريد للغاية يشبه الرمال تقريبًا. نسيج Mountain Stone شديد المسام ، مما يجعله الأساس المثالي لربط الطحالب المائية أو نباتات الزينة المائية مثل Anubias و Moss.

ماونتن ستون 12-23 سم

وحدة SKU: 4681
1 كجم
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    Refund / Return /Exchange Policy

    All claims/death on arrival are to be reported by raise the ticket with photos on the same day of receipt of the shipment.

    Report immediately through by raise the ticket with the below details.

    • Order No:

    • No of fish/aquarium plants/item defective.

    • Photo of dead fish/damaged Aquarium Plant on top of the invoice which we send.

    • Short explanation.

    Al Arbeaa would bear 100% of the cost of the fishes died/damaged Aquarium Plants.

    No claim request will be entertained after 24 hrs of receipt of item.

    Cancellation request for the dispatched orders will not be entertained, if the order consists of plants and fishes.

    Live Stock cannot be retured or Exchange.

    Dry Stock can be exchange on basis of approval. with in 3 days of purchase.

    Shipping Policy

    Our Delivery area covers, Dubai, Sharjah, Ajman & Abu Dhabi

    To ensure you receive the healthiest species available and to reduce the travel stress on your aquatic life, your order will be shipped direct to your door using our Standard delivery.

    The day your order ships, you will receive an e-mail containing your item numbers and tracking number so you can make arrangements to sign for your order upon scheduled arrival.

    All orders will be delivered at 2 buissness days, for Abu dhabi orders 5 buisness days.





    Al Arbeaa Ornamenatal Fish TR.L.L.C

    Opp: Choithram Supermarket

    Abu Shagara, Sharjah. U.A.E

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